Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Hey everyone.... I thought I would link up with Jamie..and start blogging up with here.

I'm loving most importantly my Grandma. She passed away a week ago, and it has been the toughest thing for me to deal with or go through. I know GOD has a plan, and that she is with him, but I still miss her. I love her always and forever....

To be honest there is not much more I can post today. My grandma is full in my heart and what I am loving today. :) Love your loved ones with all your heart...Hug someone today for my Grandma.


  1. my husband's grandfather died about 4 weeks ago as well. I'm sorry for your loss.

  2. I am sorry for your loss! Your pictures of her are too sweet.

    I love your blog, especially that header picture with The Cheesecake Factory bags. My favorite place to eat! :)

  3. So sorry about your loss! What a precious woman she must have been and such great memories for you to cherish. xoxo

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Mine was also a very special part of my life, and I was devestated when she passed away. I will be praying for you and your family!

  5. What great things you are loving today! I hope that you had a great Wednesday!

  6. Your pictures of you grandma are so sweet! You have alot of great memories. Sorry for your loss!

  7. Thank you to all of you for the sweet comments. It means the world to me xxoo

  8. so sorry for your will see her one day,all your loved ones.Take time to heal the pain...and love her with all your heart as love never dies.
    You are so correct about showing our love to our family as much as we can when we is so short for most.
