Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday to you all! I hope you are having a great week! Link up with Jamie!

I'm loving all my sweet followers! I am feeling extremely lucky that I had 5 new followers just last week! So I decided when I reach 30 followers I will be doing a giveaway! You ladies area all so sweet with your comments and nice words! Thank you!

I'm loving my Nike Huarache shoes. I love tennis shoes, especially because I am in Physical Education.

I'm loving my Easter photos from the weekend. My sweet pop-e and I went to church and it was a wonderful service, and really meant a lot to my pop-e because this was the first holiday without my grandma. My sisters and cousins dyed close to 72 eggs. It was an all around great weekend.

I'm loving that I got my blonde hair back. I am a blonde naturally, and I went a little dark before this. My sweet aunt is the only hair stylist that I let do my hair. She colored it while I was dying eggs.

Finished product. This is my cousin and I :)

I'm loving the tulip cupcakes I made for Easter dinner. I got the idea from this link. Mine don't look quite as great, but I tried.

I'm loving that since this was our first holiday without my grandma, we all wrote messages to her on a balloon, and my pop-e released. It was crazy because it did get stuck in this huge tree, and I was pretty sure it was in there good. There wasn't really any wind that day, and all of a sudden it was like it was pulled right out of the tree, and away it went. It really was amazing, and I cried quite a bit.

I'm loving that I got 2 more job applications done. I am hoping one of these is the job for me!

And lastly I'm loving Mr. Scott. He is sticking by me in some tough times, and I know I am not always the happiest person to talk to. I miss him dearly and wish we weren't distance.

Happy Wednesday! I hope your day goes great and is blessed :)


  1. Love yuor hair and all those eggs! And those ruuner! Adorable! :)

  2. LOVE your hair blonde!! And the shoes are awesome! :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and also for following my blog! So great to have a connection of people who understand what being in a long distance relationship is like! Hang in there! :)
    Thanks again for following! Happy Wednesday!

  4. What awesome things you are loving today! Hope you had a great Wednesday!

  5. Loving this post!!! Sounds like you had such a great day, and what a sweet thing to do with the balloons! I am sure it was not easy the first time with out your grandmother, but I am glad your family could spend it together! Send me a cupcake! They look just lovely! Your hair looks great too! I understand having a long distance boyfriend. I was in one for oh maybe 5 years and it is not easy, but sounds like you found a keeper!!

    I do not think you are creepy at all! I love getting to know people, and I agree.. we seem to have a lot in common. That is so funny about the Adele song! I listen to her station on Pandora all the time. I will email you (look for a really weird name with a yahoo tag as my email!! ha ha). Happy to get to know you! I hope you have a good rest of the week.
