Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Fancies!

Hey everyone. I am really excited to be linking up with {av} again this week for Friday Fancies! The theme was based on if you picked an area like New York city, the style of dress. Well I pick a more Carribbean feel, so this is my outfit. All of the clothes links are below!

Happy Friday to all! :)


  1. Such a cute outfit! I've really been wanting to find a long dress lately, but it never seems to work out...I think I'm too short :)

    I hope you have an amazing weekend!

  2. I love it all but Oh Mah Gawd those shoes are wicked cute!!! :)

  3. I *adore* the maxi dress and those sandals! I'm a little behind on commenting, but I'm so happy to see your Friday’s Fancies post! Hope you'll join in the Memorial Day fun this week! xoxo {av}
