Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I may be M.I.A. this week...

Hey everyone! 

I just wanted to say I might be m.i.a. for this week! I am in a wedding in Florida and I haven't decided on if I want to take my laptop or not! Don't worry I will be taking tons of pictures, but I may still take my laptop because not blogging bugs me! So just a little not you may or may not see me this week! 
I hope you all have a wonderful day! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday!! (alison picture for you!)

Happy Friday to you all! 

More pictures of the babies today! haha! I got to spend to my days off with them! I also have a video for you! :) 

(sorry for my cousin cussing)

And now Alison here is a picture of when Scott shaved his beard into this 3 years ago! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm loving that I rode my bike today! Its fixed. YAY!

I'm loving that I got to spend the day with the twins! 

This is my feet with their's. Love it..maybe I'll add it to my page since its about feet! 

I love the angle of this picture of Tysen looking at his brother Treyce

I'm loving the Kings of Leon cd Come Around Sundown! I have had in my truck for a week and listen to it nonstop! 

I'm loving that Scott and I and his family had a great weekend away! Wish it would have been longer! 

I'm loving that I registered for classes last week, and Scott and I have made a decision...I will reveal soon to you all! I am pretty excited about it! 

I'm loving all you lovely followers. You make my day when I get comments and emails from you! 

I'm loving my new layout and new blog picture of Dallas's paws and my feet! 

I'm loving Dallas and Scott! They make things so much easier and make me so happy! I am one lucky girl! 

Happy Wednesday! Link up with Jamie! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Funny how.....

Its funny how Dallas can make everything better. 
I had a HORRIBLE day at work, and I went and saw Dallas after work. She can make it all better. 
She is my best friend. 
I love her to death. 

She is the best and today she insisted on sitting on my lap....the whole time... (I didn't mind)

Oh guess what! Guess who I get to see tomorrow! 

Hope you all have a good night! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend update!

hello! So I am back from my amazing weekend away with Scott's family! We went to Denver and went to two Rockies game. It was my first time at a professional sporting event! I loved it! (Even though I am not a Rockies fan)

We got to Denver Saturday afternoon, checked into the motel, went out for a early dinner and a few adult beverages! We then went to the game! Way fun! 

Sunday we got up early, and cleaned up, Scott, his dad and I headed to game two. It was fun, and our seats were way close! I did get a little sunburned but its all okay! It was fun and I'm sad it is over. Scott left again for the week. Boo! But glad we had a weekend away! 

I hope you all have wonderful Monday! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Friday! I'm back!

hey everyone! Sorry I have been m.i.a. lately! I have been working many days straight to be able to have the weekend off! 

Speaking of the weekend! Scott and I are going with his family to a Rockies game in Denver. I have never been to any professional sporting event so I am excited even though I am not a Rockies fan.  And Yay for a weekend off! I am one excited girl!

So yesterday I spent the day with the twins! I loved it! 

(ignore my no make up)

I got to see my friend Loni last night!  I was so happy to see her! 

I have a new picture of Ella my sister's baby!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Sorry I was mia! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

what i'm loving today!

happy wednesday! I'm linking up with jamie

I'm loving that I get to leave town this weekend. Scott's family is going to a Rockies game, and I get to go so I'm pretty pumped for that! 

I'm loving that my bike tire is fixed. So I need to air it up and start riding again! 

I'm loving these pictures of Dallas! 

I'm loving that Sunday night Scott showed up at my house! He wasn't supposed to be home tell today! I freaked out! I was so happy

I'm loving that I got some new followers and so excited! Loving all your sweet comments! 

I'm loving that my sister had her baby on the 9th. Her name is Ella Grace :) 

Happy Wednesday! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

hey everyone! i'm linking up with jamie

I'm loving that I got the 4th night off! I was able to enjoy sparklers and family time. Very nice.

I'm loving that I got a package from England yesterday! It was awesome, and I am so glad! Magazines of the royals!

I'm loving that I had a dream about playing basketball last night. I was big into basketball, and decided not to play in college. A decision I know regret, but I even woke up because I was falling off my bed, in my dream I was diving for the ball. It felt so good to play again, even if it was in a dream. 

I'm loving comments! When I get comments from anyone it makes me so happy! So please comment away! I love to meet new people and hear your stories too!  Ps. Remember there is a giveaway when I reach 30 followers! 

I'm loving my kindle. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I am starting to really enjoy it. Scott got it for me for my birthday, and I love it. 

I'm loving this family picture we took on the fourth. The first one was our first attempt and it makes me giggle to see Dallas's tongue! 

Doesn't she look happy? hahaha!

I'm loving that my mom got good news from her doctor's appt. today. She has had problems with her thyroid, and I'm just glad she is okay. 

I'm loving that one of the twins started crawling and his twin brother isn't far behind. 

I'm loving this man. I found out last night that Scott is basically going to be gone the entire rest of the summer. I am pretty sad. We barely saw each other as it is because of work schedules, but now it will be less. Yes I am feeling sad. 

ps. Any suggestions on how I can get him to trim this out of control beard?? haha!

I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday and please comment or follow! I love both! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend! Got a package from England!!

hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. 

well I had to work all weekend, but good news was that on the 4th I got to work the day shift so I got the night off! My family had a bbq and Scott came over! He bought me sparklers so I was pretty excited! 

I also waited on a couple from England a couple weeks ago and I was telling them how cool it was to wait on them, and how I loved the royal wedding! They told me that they would send me a postcard, and today I got a whole package from them! They sent me a nice letter and 4 magazines from England all about the royals! I am like a little kid with a new toy! I am pretty excited!

So now, pictures from the weekend! Sorry there is not more, but work does consume quite a lot of my time!
(oh and there is pictures of the twins also)

he loves the blm bracelets that Scott got me!

My cousin Colton-the twins dad

Yes, the beard is getting out of control. I have decided too much...any ideas on how to get him to shave? haha

I was mad when the sparkler went out...

family picture

my magazines!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Tell me how they are!