Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm loving that I'm working out. I really am not feeling great about where I am at right now, so I am hoping to see some good results! (any tips are greatly appreciated)


I'm loving sweet Dallas girl! I miss her so much! 

I'm loving that I made it through mid terms!
I'm loving that I am somewhat starting to research grad schools. I will need to attend one to finish my athletic training degree after I finish at BHSU. 
So for classes I need to start looking! 
Any suggestions? 

I'm loving coffee. I am worried I may be addicted to coffee haha! I love to get my raspberry mocha! 

I'm loving that Alison and Justin got their house! Congrats!!! 

Lastly I'm loving my sweet man! I love this new pic of us. PS do you notice something new/different?!? 

Happy Wednesday! :) 


  1. Ah thanks girl. You are too sweet to me! :) Yay to working out, you will see progress! :)

  2. Yum! I've been addicted to Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes this season! It's great that you've been working out...I need that motivation!!
