Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog help?!?!

First off...Happy Friday to everyone!

I plan on doing nothing but homework, relax, training for 4 hours, relax... did I mention relax?
Oh! and Scott and I are making our to do list for Vegas!

Officially only a week away!

So now is when I need you sweet followers help!!!

I hate my blog design right now. 
I feel like its not appealing or inviting.
I am not very good with designing it....
I need help...

Please leave any comments on how I could spice it up!
Maybe a website?
Or a decently priced place to get a blog design???

Any suggestions are appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. I had my blog design done by Utterly Chaotic Designs! Super reasonable price, and she knew exactly what I wanted. You can get to her by following the copyright link at the bottom of my blog :)
