I'm blogging super late today...
I had a busy busy Monday so no blogging yesterday, and today turned into the same kind of day.
I found out yesterday that not only will I be going to vball camp this weekend, but also a 4 day coaching clinic next week! I am really excited, and can't wait, the bad part, I will have to be with out Milli, and I am already upset about it.
Last night after work, my mom and I went to Alliance and looked at my itty bitty apartment, pictures to come, and then went to the high school! They had my name by my door!
Pretty exciting!
So then I saw this cool link up that my sweet friend Alison did, so I decided I would try it!
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I have been blogging since January 2011. My sweet friend Katy started one, and I thought I would try it. Yes, I am a lot more involved with my blog, and have meet some amazing people through it!
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Yes I did, I did 2 years at Eastern Wyoming College, and finished up at Chadron State College. I also took some classes after I graduated at Black Hills State University. I studied Secondary Education with an emphasis in Physical Education/Health, with coaching. I just got my first teaching job.
I have traveled to 17 different states, and lived in 6. (Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, and South Dakota) I have been barely over the border into Mexico when I was young, but I want to travel so much more.
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Pay off my students loans.... then probably take care of family, buy a cabin by a lake, and save the rest
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
Hmmm... Licking sounds....like when an animal is cleaning their fur...drives me crazy...
Um..towels touching my teeth... and when someone says, "Oh i have something to tell you." then makes you wait...
All time favorite movie. 16 Candles.
I enjoy wine and beer. But if it's non-alcoholic...just good old water
Reading, relaxing, working out, naptime with Milli, just watching a good movie, reading blogs...the list goes on...
Most likely Target or a sports store, like Nike.
To be honest I know I have some, but I am drawing a blank...
Oh wow...there is so many. Right now any day with my Grandma still alive...
That was my grandma and I
Well Rachel McAdams is my favorite actress, but I don't think I look like her..ummm.. not that I look like this person but maybe Reese Witherspoon
I was a lifeguard in high school and baby sat.
In college I worked as a student aid, at a movie store, and waitressed.
Homecoming my junior year
Senior prom
Eek haha freshman year of college
Australia and Ireland
Milli and I a couple days ago
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Still teaching. possibly a family, husband? Other than that I am happy with where I am
I hope you all have had a great day!
Awesome!! I love all the oldie photos!! So fun! I can't wait to see your appartment! And YAY for your name being up!