Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Oh wow, I am just so worn out I feel like it should be Friday!!!

I'm loving that this weekend is a three day weekend, and that I am heading back up to the Black Hills to see Mr. Muir

I'm loving that I am slowly starting to feel like I am gaining my feet in teaching. I finally am going to have maybe some time to myself tonight!!!

I'm loving "The Office" mainly the older episodes. I've always loved it, but it's my current phase right now..

I'm loving that my dad surprised me while I was teaching today!!!! I screamed!

and lastly I'm LOVING this song by Mumford and Son's ....OBSESSED

I hope you had a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. I love three day weekends! But am sad that this is the last one of the summer! Enoy!
