Thursday, December 13, 2012

Amazing Christmas Gift

So every year since I have dated Scott his parents have bought this amazing trip for us to Vegas for the Superbowl. Everyone in his family goes, and it's always a beyond amazing time...

Well guess what...We are going again! 
I am already wanting to start counting the days! 
I am already planning another day at the spa among tons of other plans I want to complete!

His parents are beyond amazing, and seriously are like my second set of parents! 

Soooo THANK YOU Regina and Dave! Love you both!

Here are some pictures from previous trips to Las Vegas!!!!

Ohhh can't wait!!! 


  1. love the pictures of the balloon hats haha

  2. YAY!!!! That's awesome!! You will have a blast! :) Lucky girl!!

  3. That is amazing! Looks like you have a wonderful time!
