Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Catch up....

Hello there! 
So now that I am slowly starting to understand technology a little better, I am back to blogging!

So I am going to play catch up with some pictures and everything that I have missed posting!

Starting with my Thanksgiving break!
It was a great time to see family and even got to spend some time with the twins. They are growing so big, and now are trying to repeat everything that you say! (you have to be careful) haha!
My favorite is, "I'm going to spank your bottom!"

There is a video I took of them dancing but I am having some difficultly getting it to send from my phone...
Anyways back to Thanksgiving, it was great and I was really happy Scott decided to come to my family's thanksgiving.

It was a great break, and made me realize (again) how happy I am when I am around my family!

So now I only have 9 school days left tell break, and I am one happy girl!!! 

I hope you enjoyed my catch up blog! I am happy to be back 

1 comment:

  1. The twins are getting so big! Still so cute!!! Glad you had a good thanksgiving and Scott joined!! YAY for 9 days! :)
