Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My weekend and monday

hello friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Monday. I had every intention of blogging last night, but while I was cooking dinner I came out to the living room to this....

My husband surprised me with a little set up for a "romantic" evening. It was really a nice surprise, so obviously I allowed myself to just enjoy the time with him. 

It was a nice treat after a long Monday. I had more students added to my class, and let's just say it made for a difficult day.

My weekend....

completely low key. We had dinner with the in-laws, and then came home and watched tv/movies. It was so nice just to relax. We were supposed to go to my mom's this weekend, but due to weather, it didn't happen, so I was a little sad about that.

Since I didn't want to workout on Friday I made sure I went and worked out on Saturday making it 5 days! YAY! I did 5 miles on the elliptical!


After a workout I relaxed and Scott watched some football. 
We ended up going to dinner with another couple, and then going for a few drinks. I guess you could say a few drinks for Scott. I had one and just felt guilty having one after working out so hard that day.

Since we stayed the weekend I had a baby shower to go to. It was so nice and I even won a little wine glass filled with chocolates and make up! The sweet prego friend is due any day now and you wouldn't guess she is that far along! She is adorable. And I got to see one of my closest friends. I felt left out though over half the girls there were pregnant! Crazy! haha! oh well my time will come some day hopefully.

The rest of the day I cleaned and got ready for the week!

Low key, but that's okay with me!!

Hope your weekend + monday have been great! 

Oh and on Sunday my pop-e and late Grandma would have celebrated 68 years. I know my grandma is smiling down at my pop-e! I made sure to call him and tell him happy anniversary! love that man to the moon and sure miss grandma everyday! 

Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Your Grandma was soo cute!!!
    Love what your hubby did for you Monday night!! Soo sweet!!! Sounds like you had a fun weekend!!!
