Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend...

Hello everyone!
Sorry that I missed Monday, but I had a freshman volleyball game, Scott left, so my mind was somewhat else where.

My weekend was good, but went way to fast. I feel like I actually didn't get a break!

As soon as Scott arrived Friday, we had volleyball practice, took off for home. 
Met up with mom for some shopping.
By the time we got to my parent's house, this girl was exhausted. 

The next morning, I had to go help coach one game of volleyball.
Find an outfit for the wedding.
I went and watched my baby sister play volleyball...
Finally it was wedding time...
It was gorgeous...the bride came in the back of a truck...I may have had a few tears...

She looked so beautiful....

It was a good time!!

Sunday...had to do laundry, many other things such as getting groceries....
then it was bed time :( 

It was a good weekend..just not long enough.. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Happy Thursday!
Today is my last day with students.
They have tomorrow off as we have inservice tomorrow..
boo for the inservice, but I am kinda glad I wont have to teach all day.

Here is an update...
My pop-e came through surgery well.
They found a condition in his heart before surgery and were really worried, but he came through great.
Now I have to get him to talk about this heart thing..(he doesn't like to talk to anyone about that kind of stuff)

I talked to him during my lunch and he was sounding good, tired, but good. 
Thank you for all the prayers and hugs..
Means the world to me as you all know how much my pop-e means to me.

Ps. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I was spoiled last night...love Milli.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Milli!!!!!

Today is a special day for me...
It is Milli's 1st Birthday!!! 
Also (prayers to my pop-e please he is having surgery)

A year ago today my sweet puppy was born! Little did I know how much happiness this wild boxer would bring into my life. 

Even when she has misbehaved I still love her, and her sweet brown eyes always win me over.
I love you sweet girl...

Love you! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dreaming of.....

Oh, I wish we had a fall break..

I am dreaming of camping, with it cool enough to have to snuggle in the tent...
dreaming of..the smell of fall....
....of changing leaves.
....and lastly of a cabin by a lake..(my biggest dream..)

What do you dream of today? 

Monday, September 17, 2012


Here we go...week 5! 

So week 5 of school starts today...there are quite a few things to look forward to..these will help me get through the week!!!

1. Only 3 days with the students-teachers have a fair thing to attend...(boo for the fair)
2. Scott will be here Thursday night. (LOVE)
3. We are going to my parent's Friday after school!!!!!!
4. Going to a wedding Saturday! (so excited)
5. PAY DAY! Living 2 months with no income is one of the toughest things...$$$ = Thursday
6. Milli turns #1 on Wednesday! 

Ps. I have a funny story to share with you tomorrow about me almost getting knocked out on Friday.... 

What are you looking forward to this week?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never forget...

Honoring those who lost their lives 11 years ago...and those who still fight for our freedom..
Always remember..never forget 9/11/01

Friday, September 7, 2012


Happy Friday!!

I am so glad it's Friday.
Even though I don't get to see my love or anything this weekend.

I have a volleyball game tomorrow, but I plan on relaxing after practice tonight...lots of sleeping this weekend...SOUNDS like a little slice of heaven to me!

Any exciting plans for your weekend??

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Happy Hump Day everyone! 
I am so happy for the short week!!!

I'm loving this quote. As I have somewhat shared my first teaching experience hasn't gone exactly as thought/planned, so I think this is perfect for the year I am facing..

I'm loving that NFL kicks off...and of course that my favorite team...DALLAS plays!!!

I'm loving the comments you leave! I know I don't get a lot of comments, but when I do they make my day.  It's always good to know that you still have people who enjoy your blog :) 

I'm loving I MEAN LOVING coffee.
Thank GOD for it. Makes my mornings..

I'm loving the weekends I get to get away and see my love and just relax... so nice

happy wednesday :) 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My weekend..

Happy Tuesday, gosh that feels good to know that we only have a 4 day week.

I had an absolutely great weekend, and of course had a lot of tears yesterday when I had to come back...

My weekend started with Saturday have a volleyball triangular for the freshman...
WE WON the whole thing!! It was very exciting, and nerve wrecking for me as the coach.
We actually play again tonight already, so wish me luck!

Then after getting back from the tri I loaded up and drove up to Spearfish...
Beautiful day out...got up there around 6, so I showered and then Scott said we needed a night out...
WARNING: we took a ton of pics...so just a fair warning 

We had a great night, and it was so nice to spend time with him!!! Love my man!

Sunday, we slept in...LOVED IT...
Then decided to drive over to Rapid City and go to Pirate's Cove, a mini golf course!
Way fun!

Ps. I only lost by 2, but I also got 2, I said 2 hole in one's!

After Pirate's Cove we went out to dinner, and then decided to have a movie night. 
We watched: 

Both were really good!!!

Yesterday, sadly we had practice so I had to leave a lot earlier then expected...Scott took me out for a quick lunch and then I hit the road...

All in all in was a fabulous weekend. Of course makes me want to be there even more...but I gotta be strong through this year! 
Hope your long weekends were great!