Thursday, September 20, 2012


Happy Thursday!
Today is my last day with students.
They have tomorrow off as we have inservice tomorrow..
boo for the inservice, but I am kinda glad I wont have to teach all day.

Here is an update...
My pop-e came through surgery well.
They found a condition in his heart before surgery and were really worried, but he came through great.
Now I have to get him to talk about this heart thing..(he doesn't like to talk to anyone about that kind of stuff)

I talked to him during my lunch and he was sounding good, tired, but good. 
Thank you for all the prayers and hugs..
Means the world to me as you all know how much my pop-e means to me.

Ps. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I was spoiled last Milli.

1 comment:

  1. I also have an in-service tomorrow no kids!!! YAY pop-e!! :)
