Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Summer= BUSY

Hello there, I promise to become a better blogger once I am done with teaching in Alliance! 
I got good news last week: a pe job has opened in Rawlins (where Scott got his job) and my crap apartment is going to be rented so I don't have to pay rent on it after I move! More money to put towards the wedding!

The catch to the job: the want adapted pe endorsement. I don't have this because most universities and colleges don't even offer it. Luckily the University of Wyoming does. Enter stress. I am now enrolled in two classes to finish the endorsement. One of the classes finishes the day before my wedding haha! SO enter you guys now...PRAY, fingers crossed, anything to help me hopefully get this job! 

I hate the fact that I am not able to blog much, between teaching, tennis, and now starting to pack to move I am over the top busy! 

Good news! I get to see my fiance finally this weekend! HE IS FINALLY GRADUATING! 

So please send up some prayers! I would love to have a job also! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Hello there!!! So since Scott the job in Rawlins, I have secretly been peaking at houses online... shhhhh haha! I have been trying to decide if I want to add my Elementary School Teacher endorsement... decisions decisions.. among all the chaos our invitations came! Can't wait to start getting them addressed! 

I also went home this past weekend and it was my baby sister's junior prom! She looked so beautiful! Her dress reminded me of Belle from Beauty and the Beast... LOVE 

My parents chaperoned and it was a tropical themed prom so they decided to dress "beachy"

I am also so proud of myself I have been working out for 2 weeks straight! Whoop! Hopefully start seeing some results! This was a very random post! Happy Hump DAY

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

boston... love to you

After yesterday's happenings in Boston, I can help but wonder what is wrong with some people? I just understand what is going on with the world... 
I did know two runners who were there, and luckily they were both okay. 
So sad, and prayers to the victims and families...

I really hope the world changes for the better.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Why hello there...
My weekend was extremely low key and nice. I went home and spent time with my family....always great to see family. 

Now onto the news...well Scott and I were pretty sure that we were going to find out whether he got the teaching job today. So like the worrier I am I carried my phone in my pocket and looked at it about 100 times! Well during my 6th hour class that was luckily watching a movie today, Mr. Muir called. My stomach did about 100 flips by the way. I ran out into the hallway...and he started with, " I didn't get the job." I proceeded to almost throw up in the hallway. and then he continued with "Just kidding, I got the job!" (Still trying to fight my bodily urges) So we are moving to Rawlins, Wyoming. Which I am super happy about. It's so comforting knowing that we have a steady job, insurance, and know where we are moving. I am struggling a little bit because there is no positions in my field in Rawlins, so I am feeling like somewhat of a failure because I want to contribute to the marriage... eek. 

It will be great though. I have lived there before as you know. It is where Scott was born and raised. My mom's twin lives there. The TWINS live there! I am only 1 hour and 15 minutes from pop-e. I am further from my mom which makes me sad, but Wyoming is home for her too, so we will still see a lot of each other still. So BIG NEWS for us today! I am very happy!

Pretty proud of my man. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Random Friday!

Hello there! 
well my day started yesterday with my vehicle getting stuck, my boss telling me I still had to be there by 8 (had no ride/no one to help), starting balling, a secretary from the school had to get me. 
Yes, good way to start! I ended up digging myself out after school, and the sweet secretary and her husband came and snow blowed my entire driveway so I wouldn't get stuck again. 
Thank God for nice people! 

So after spending about 3 hours outside, I came in, showered, cooked dinner and was completely spent. I did find this funny picture of me when I was 5! I had to share!

So back to today. I am still deciding if I want to go home for the weekend....and my impatient nature is killing me...I want to know if Muir got the job or not! I wish they would call him already! 

Other then that I am sitting in class while my Health class watches Super Size Me. I really don't know how people can eat that much fast food. I am not big on it. YUCK!

With that I hope you all have great weekends!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

2 Snow Days, the Interview, 4 months

Well I got my wish! Not only did we get a snow day yesterday, but one today too! Trust me, I am one HAPPY girl. Milli is loving the snow and the fact that I am actually home. 
We haven't done barely anything eventful. Watch a ton of movies and eat. That is is about as productive as our days have gone. I am sad to go back to school tomorrow, but at least it's already Thursday.

(The new toy I just bought...already fixing it)

Muir's interview was today. I think it went well, he is pretty apprehensive about it. He says he doesn't think he did as well as he could, but I am sure he did great. I hope we find out soon! In the mean time, we have been facetiming a lot haha! 

So fingers are crossed....

Lastly, I realized that today is the 10th...which means... exactly 4 months tell our wedding day!
AHH! Crazy! It's getting close!!

Hope you all are having great Wednesdays 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Power on...power off...

hello there bloggers. 
I sit here with the power going off...power going back on.. We are in a blizzard warning, well let me rephrase that, the blizzard is here. All I have to say is with all this crappy weather, this girl is hoping for a snow day...I know, I know a girl can wish eh? 

My weekend was pretty low key. Mr. Muir was supposed to come visit, but he ended up not being able to...kinda bummed its going on 2 months without seeing each other. So I ended up finishing my book, which I highly recommend. Amazing read. 

I ended up being SUPER lazy Saturday, I didn't even change out of my pj's eek! My friend Casey stopped by on her way to the airport..she was heading to Vegas....Jealous! 
It was nice to see her. After she left M and I watched some of my favorite shows ALL day. 

Sunday I woke up early, and decided that I needed to do something. I drove to my mom's picked her up and we had a day of shopping. It was so much fun. It was just her and I and it was great to spend the whole day with her. I seriously was having the worst time leaving last night to drive back here....

love my momma.

That was my weekend! haha! I do enjoy low key weekends though. 

But pray for a snow day, and also Mr. Muir has a job interview Wednesday! We really need this one! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

Hello there! 
Today is my Monday, and I love that it is only a 4 day work week! I had a great weekend back in Wyoming. Got to see lots of family, dye eggs, finally see Milli, and I got a couple new things!
Sadly Mr. Muir didn't make it down as planned. He ended up getting the flu on Thursday, and is currently still sick... I was bummed but I just want him better.

So Scott and I talked and we decided living where we do, and future needs, we might need a different vehicle. So...we got one.  A GMC Terrain. LOVE IT. And my phone upgrade was due, so I ended up getting an iPhone 5. Once again. LOVE IT. 

Here she is. She still needs a name...

The rest of the weekend was spent being lazy, dying eggs, reading, and hanging with the family. Oh how I miss home!

And on Easter Sunday, we got balloons, and wrote messages on them for my Grandma Reese. My pop-e let it go up to his love. Very emotional.... 

This cheered me up a bit. I got this picture waiting for me on my phone after...

Overall it was a great weekend. I have tennis again today, but luckily no more invites tell next week! Yay! A weekend of freedom! I hope you all have a great day!