So as much as I hate the cold, I am really wanting an old fashioned snowy Christmas... we used to have them all the time when I was younger and I feel like in the last few years we get a few big snow storms and then it melts. Don't get me wrong in the mountains here we get a ton of snow, just not in town as much...
So as I still didn't feel good and took today off, I was pleased to wake up to a blanket of is still snowing which makes me happy.
The only thing that doesn' that its supposed to be artic temps tomorrow... warnings are coming out like crazy.
I got to relax all day, and ended up resting and watching Love Actually all day. and when I say all day, I mean all day. Milli and I snuggled and I am finally feeling human again.
I came home to my husband shoveling the walks and making sure I had gas in my vehicle because he said he doesn't want me outside more then I have to be! Milli joined him in her coat...! She wanted to attack the shovel!
I adore both of them!
So on a cute note, the song Let it Snow keeps playing since I have my Christmas music on, and I have a cute story. My pop-e proposed to my grandma at Christmas time in 1945. The song playing when he did...Let it Snow.... I love hearing that song. They eloped on Jan. 12. They were married 65 years before my grandma got ill and passed. Love that song.
Happy Tuesday. I hope you are all staying warm!
Hope you feel better soon!! And ps. You can keep the snow! We have positive temps here and despite the fact that I can't enjoy them, you can still keep the snow! Lol ours is all melted!! I probably just jinxed myself!