Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Oh Happy Hump Day!
Now time for loves...

loving that I am working out again...not loving that I seem to not be losing any weight..hopefully soon

loving all of your comments! They always make me feel good to know that
someone is actually reading my blog!

loving that it is my bestest friend in the world's birthday!
She lives in Florida so I am sad I can't be with her! 
But wishing her a sweet happy day!

Happy Birthday Leah! Love you! 

loving miss milli! 

loving that Vegas trip is only 16 days away! 

(this was from 3 years ago)

loving my sweet man.

Happy Wednesday! 
Love new followers and your comments!


  1. love that cute puppy! && i started following you. i too love new followers && comments =]


  2. Super exciting about Vegas!! I hope you have tons of fun!

  3. Um, your profile picture for your blog is just TOO cute! Loving the name of your blog and hoping you have a great time in Vegas. Happy to be your newest follower and will be back soon to see what you're barefeet are up to!

    P.S. We think you'd love See Beautiful too. ;)

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  4. how fun, a vegas trip!

    i am always annoyed/frustrate when i work out and don't see any weight lost either...good think i also work out because i just want to lol

    cute blog!

  5. Hey girl!

    I am just stopping by, I grew up in South Dakota and had to comment when I saw Wyoming, it seems like everyone in blog land is from the South! I am doing the workout thing too and just don't see any results lately. Grr, I feel your pain!

    I am a new follower!
