Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Mommy Milli

So I have been so busy lately, but I promised myself I would blog today because I do seriously love it!
Today is kinda sad for me, Milli has gone into the vet to get fixed. 

This is our poor girl on the way to the vet.

I am convinced she knew where she was going!
She was whining and cuddling. It broke my heart.
I know it needs to be done, but when they took her away from me I was so sad.
Scott made fun of me. Weird.
She is my baby! 

Anyways we get to pick her up around 3 today and I am sure she will be wearing the "cone of shame" 
poor milli. 

Happy Tuesday!
I hope you all have a wonderful day.


  1. thinking about your milli!

  2. Poor Milli. She will be so happy to see you!! :)

  3. Aww poor thing :( She will be back to normal in no time though!
