Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend...

Hello everyone!
Sorry that I missed Monday, but I had a freshman volleyball game, Scott left, so my mind was somewhat else where.

My weekend was good, but went way to fast. I feel like I actually didn't get a break!

As soon as Scott arrived Friday, we had volleyball practice, took off for home. 
Met up with mom for some shopping.
By the time we got to my parent's house, this girl was exhausted. 

The next morning, I had to go help coach one game of volleyball.
Find an outfit for the wedding.
I went and watched my baby sister play volleyball...
Finally it was wedding time...
It was gorgeous...the bride came in the back of a truck...I may have had a few tears...

She looked so beautiful....

It was a good time!!

Sunday...had to do laundry, many other things such as getting groceries....
then it was bed time :( 

It was a good weekend..just not long enough.. 

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! I love how she showed up in a pick up!! Did Scott cut his hair? Glad you had a good weekend!! :)
