Friday, October 4, 2013

5 of Friday

TGIF!!! So happy it's Friday, even though it's a SNOWY, yes SNOWY Friday. 
Going to link up for the first time "5 on Friday

1. This is what we woke up to today. Excuse my narrating! 
I love winter, but I am not ready for it yet. Fall is my favorite and I feel like I only got two days of it. insert sad face. Hopefully it will come back for a little bit! 

2. My sweet cousin Courtney is pregnant and I couldn't be more excited for her!!!! She is like a sister to me! Baby is due in March and she finds out on Halloween the gender of the baby! 

3. Milli loves Grey's as much as her momma. This was her last night as I watched!!!!

4. I love F. Scott Fitzgerald's writing! I can't get enough of it, and found these quotes on pinterest the other night! love! 

5. And I found this the other night on pinterest also. I forget how great this movie was!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend, and if you are new to my blog please follow! I just recently got back to it, and can't wait for new followers : ) 



  1. yay! found you on the linkup. i'm a newlywed too!!! excited to follow along on this new chapter of our lives...!! :)


  2. I finally fund your blog!! I'm not sure how yet, but I will just be happy I found it!! Love the changes and your wedding pics!!
